How To Wrap with FabWraps

You want a neat package for a regular shaped parcel?
This shows our extra large wrap encasing three Monopoly games.
Place the games diagonally across the wrap.
Fold the corner opposite the button hole over the top of the package. Lay the button hole corner over the top of that.
Now take the two side corners and tie them at the top of the package (we used a reef knot).
Adjust your button hole corner so that it sits where you want it to – this has a tuck under the tied part – and add your gift tag. You are done!

Want to wrap a less regular shaped parcel?
This is using our extra large wrap to wrap three Monopoly games and a large frying pan.
Stack your items diagonally on the wrap.
Bring up the corners that are opposite each other but with no button hole and tie them (we used a reef knot).
Now bring up the corners that are opposite each other that include the button hole corner.
Tie as before and add your gift tag. You are ready to go!

Can I have fun with the double sided wrap?
Yes you can! This is a medium sized wrap that is wrapping 7 DVDs, but shows the reverse side of the wrap in ‘petals’ on the top of the package.
Place your items diagonally on the wrap.
Fold the corner opposite the button hole over the top of the package. Lay the button hole corner over the top of that.
Now take the two side corners and tie them at the top of the package (we used a reef knot).
Now start tweaking the fabric to turn the slits into petals. You can play with how large the areas are that show the reverse fabric and exactly what shape you make them. Have fun!
Adjust your button hole corner so that it sits where you want it to and add your gift tag. You are done!


Want to quickly wrap a bottle?
Grab a bag and pop the bottle in.
Thread your gift tag over the tape.
Tie in a bow.
It couldn’t be quicker!

What about wrapping an awkwardly shaped item?
Grab a bag and pop the item in.
Thread your gift tag over the tape.
Tie in a bow.
Another fast finish!

Can you show me another neat finish?
Of course! Here is our large wrap used to wrap a game of Monopoly – just a single one this time – with a neat tie. All ready to button on that gift tag and pass it over to your loved one.
There are lots of other ways to use wraps. We will give you more ideas and perhaps some videos in the future. In the meantime you might like to look at this blog post and scroll down for a number of ideas of how to use your wrapping cloths in different ways.